Let us help you unleash your dog’s potential
Whether you have a new puppy or serious dog aggression issues, Larry Krohn will determine your specific training goals.
At Pak Masters Dog Training of Bowling Green, Kentucky and Nashville, Tennessee, we provide obedience and behavior modification training for you and your pet. We want you to be able to take your dog with you whenever you want without worrying about unwanted behavior. Our proven dog training methods not only empowers the pet owner to teach obedience but we also provide the tools necessary for your dog to be the best version of itself possible, a well balanced, happy and obedient dog for life!
At Pak Masters Dog Training of Bowling Green, Kentucky and Nashville, Tennessee we teach you and your dog to communicate effectively no matter what the situation. We will train your dog to pay attention to you regardless of any distractions. Once you have that undivided attention the learning ability of your dog will amaze you! Let us show you our commitment to excellence and the incredible possibilities! You will not be disappointed.
We’ve helped hundreds, Let’s See What Some Have To Say?
We love our clients and are fully dedicated to training them and their dogs. Click here to read more testimonials

I found Pak Masters website and at the time there was a video that sold me. He had his dog, “Karma” off leash at the “Hill Center” in Nashville where my wife and I shop all the time. My wife and I both watched it and said we want to be able to do this with Wrigley. I called Larry and spoke with him for a couple of minutes. I started asking him the questions, “can you fix this? And that?” and all he responded with was, “yes probably within fifteen minutes.” I was thinking there is no possible way!Larry showed up to my house and we started working right away. Yes, Larry is going to teach your dog how to sit, stand, and heal and I think a lot of people can do that. How is Larry different? He teaches how and what your dog is thinking so “you” can train “your” dog, not Larry. I went from wanting my dog to “behave” to never having to put him on a leash or have to buy a house with a fence “for the dog.”
My wife and I truly appreciate what he did for us and I am pretty sure Wrigley enjoys all the freedom he gets. I’ve recommended Larry to hundreds of people!
The E Collar is a cell phone for my dog. When he is not next to me I can call him and tell him exactly what I want. Very rarely do I ever have to raise my voice. Learn to speak softly and you won’t have to carry a big stick